saw off the branches one is sitting on|saw off the branch one be sit on in English

bite the hand that feeds you

Use "saw off the branches one is sitting on|saw off the branch one be sit on" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "saw off the branches one is sitting on|saw off the branch one be sit on" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "saw off the branches one is sitting on|saw off the branch one be sit on", or refer to the context using the word "saw off the branches one is sitting on|saw off the branch one be sit on" in the English Dictionary.

1. The brothers saw their market niche as the one-off poster.

2. Saw us land, saw us off.

3. We can saw off any dead branches and chop them for firewood.

4. She says that she saw Blanco riding off on the horse.

5. Hector saw one feeding on a stag.

6. One more hack and the branch was off.

7. One tree they saw snap off halfway up whirl away by the wind into the lagoon.

8. In the morning I saw him off

9. When we landed, I saw a red mass of meat hanging off a tree branch.

10. England saw off Luxembourg 5-0.

11. One time I went into the cockpit and I actually saw her sitting on the pilot's lap helping him fly the plane.

12. Following the Sunday events, Joe saw a thoroughly inebriated Longworth off on the overnight train.

13. My parents saw me off at the airport.

14. The dogs saw them off in no time.

15. The security guard saw the protesters off the premises.

16. The company saw off the threat of a takeover.

17. On some branches, it has been eaten/Chewed almost right off the entire branch, (and this is a large tree!).

18. He stood on one of the top milky branches of a sycamore, a nonchalant forty feet off the ground.

19. Sitting down, he kicked off his painted moccasins, one red and one green.

20. The child made off when he saw a stranger.

21. Suddenly the branch that he is stand on snap off.

22. They saw many seals off the Coast of Alaska.

23. One centimeter off on this side.

24. “They saw [the fulfillment of God’s promises] afar off.”

25. Randy and I saw one on the Cape about four years ago.